In which we dip into the Extinct archive and pull out an essay on some attempts to use Mars to better understand the past (and future!) of the Earth
Read MoreToulmania '53: Remembering the Practice-Turn that Didn't Happen
In which Max looks back at a road not taken in 20th century philosophy of science: Stephen Toulmin’s Wittgenstein-influenced “practice turn”
Read MoreAmerica the volcano-less
In which Max revisits Goethe’s weird claim about America lacking basalt with some expert help
Read MoreFuture-Proof Explosion?
In which Max considers the history of the expression “Cambrian explosion” and asks whether it’s here to stay
Read MoreMore basalt, more problems
In which Max asks why Goethe once said in a poem that America has no basalt (huh?)
Read MoreEvidence of absence
In which Max considers the suggestion that archeology is distinctive in its frequent use of arguments from absence, and finds it wanting
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